Thursday, December 15, 2011

So close!

A couple mornings ago my husband was taking the dogs out for their early morning walk. As he opened the door, he saw one of the Great Horned Owls perched on the railing of our deck. It took off as MO and the dogs came out of the house. I'm terribly jealous that I didn't get to see it, and surprised that the owl would perch so close to our house, our front door, and our dogs. Perhaps we'll have more chances at close encounters like this again in the future.

All I can say is that between the owls, hawks, coyotes, and foxes, I'm glad we don't have small dogs or cats. I would worry about their safety with so many predators around. A 135 lb dog (Bo Bo) probably isn't too much of a target. And Miss Pants at 75 lb would be pretty hard to carry off as well. I think they're probably safe.


  1. How cool! Yes, thank goodness you don't have a Zig. Owls worry me now with that little fella. At 9 pounds, he's smaller than any cat I know. xo

  2. Yes, you keep Mister Zig inside or with you! :)
