Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Autumn Sky

It's always hard for me to adjust to the time change and darkening sky. It seems every year, sometime around the end of August, I start counting the weeks until the time change, until the shortest day of the year, until the spring time change. The thought that we have about 5 weeks until the shortest day of the year and another five weeks or so until we are back at our current mediocre period of daylight is, well, a bit depressing to me. 
I have to say, though, that there are a few things I really appreciate about the changing light during autumn. I really love how the afternoon light on the cloudless days makes everything glow with a golden hue. Some days it just seems to set the turning leaves on fire. I didn't grow up with deciduous trees around, so I now really appreciate the fall show of colors every year. 
I also enjoy seeing more stars when I take the dogs for their short evening walk. During the summer, it is still light out, but now that it is dark in the evening, I never really know what I will see during our walk. Two nights ago, some light, lacy wisps of clouds were moving swiftly over the nearly full moon. It was really beautiful to watch, partly because it was so dynamic, changing every second. 
I glimpsed an even better sight last night. Just as the dogs and I were walking down the front steps, I looked up and saw two shooting stars, one right after the other. In a habit long-established from childhood, I instantly made a wish, a double-strong wish, one for each star. My wish was that I might see more shooting stars as we walked. I kept my eye on the sky and lingered a while, but alas, no more shooting stars appeared. That's OK, though. I'm still enjoying the image of those two, chasing each other. 
I enjoy the outdoors, but I most appreciate the moments that make me want to get outdoors more and more and more. A simple sight like two falling stars did just the trick. I have the urge to get out and view the night sky more often this winter on the clear nights. Why not? A cozy jacket and a warm cup of tea or cocoa are all I really need for some sky watching on our deck.

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